We are Australian, and we are multicultural. That's why we work actively together to promote mutual respect and tolerance.

The Australian Family Network is a not for profit organisation working to help solve poverty in the current COVID-19 pandemic which has completely changed our lives. Poverty involves more than the lack of income and possessions to ensure supportable livelihoods. Its indications include hunger and undernourishment, limited access to education and other basic human necessities, social biases and prohibiting participation in decision-making. All Australians deserve to have a decent home to live in along with good living standards and prospects. We aim to inspire action and change that will create a prosperous Australia post COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. As Australians we have always rallied together in times of hardship and in times of need. We at Australian Family Network intend to work with people who are struggling to get by and provide them with opportunities to once again stand on their two feet and contribute back to our nation.

Human Rights

GOAL : 1500 $


GOAL : 5000 $


GOAL : 3457 $

Relieve Poverty

GOAL : 34500 $

Australia is one of the most successful multicultural societies in the world.

Owing to the cultural diversity present in the Australian society, the Australian Family Network believes every individual irrespective of their ethnic affiliation, race and culture deserves to be respected. No individual merits discrimination based on their race, culture or ethnic group.
The Australian Family network actively counters racism, promotes tolerance and works hard to achieve a widespread understanding of the ill-effects of discrimination amongst all sectors of the Australian community to promote mutual respect and tolerance between different groups of people with differences based on race, culture or ethnic affiliation.

Every Australian citizen has a right to primary healthcare that reduces risks and harm to users, provides services based on fact-based guidelines, is timely, does not differ in quality based on personal attributes like gender and takes the preferences of its users into account. Every Australian citizen has a right to quality healthcare.
Poverty, not having enough to care for oneself and one’s basic needs, leads to a host of other problems when not adequately curbed and paid attention to. Other issues associated with poverty include homelessness, hunger, lack of essential clothing, amongst others.
Education is a powerful agent of change that affects every facet of life. Australian Family network believes that every young individual irrespective of their background should have unrestricted access to education. That is why we have taken it upon ourselves to provide quality education to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The Australian Family Network prides itself in educating the public about their rights and the government’s obligations to them as defined by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). The Australian government owes its citizens the need to uphold the core rights as defined by the ICESR.

We want to ensure people have their basic needs met







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